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What we believe

Spiritual Principles

We join with 400 Centers for Spiritual Living across the world in a vision to co-create a world that works for everyone by living intentionally, loving unconditionally. and seeing God in all people and all faiths.

We are founded on the writings of our founder, Ernest Holmes, and other Spiritual teachers, both ancient and modern. Below are some of the core principles that are the foundation of our teaching and services.


We believe that Spirit is personal to anyone who is willing to be open to its presence. We can be comforted by its peace and guided by its presence in our life. The more we meditate and practice being intentional in our lives, the more we become aware of our intuitive and spiritual nature

The morning sun rises over the Atlantic Ocean near St. Augustine, Florida.
St. Augustine Lighthouse, Florida, USA
Spirit is present & personal

There is only one Divine Intelligence, known by many names: God, Great Spirit, Higher Power, Yahweh, Allah, and many more. We consider this ‘God’ to be without form or gender and we often refer to it simply as Spirit. All people and all life are connected with this Divine Essence. We are one and we are each a unique expression of Spirit. Each person is all Spirit and yet, Spirit is much more than each person.


Spirit seeks to express its unconditional love and acceptance of all faiths, cultures, races, and orientations through us. The more we are able to let go of limiting thinking and judgments and are willing to let go and forgive, the more we can allow Spirit to express its love through us in our own unique way.

St Augustine, Florida, USA Downtown Drone Skyline Aerial.

Spirit is a transcendent, perfect whole that contains and embraces all seeming opposites. As human beings, we have free will and can choose what we experience, whether it be positive or negative. The same Principle that brings freedom, prosperity, and joy also allows us to experience bondage, lack, or misery, according to our consciousness.